My name Is Michel, I am a full time student majoring in education, a full time wife to my airman, and a full time mother to our two fur babies for now! I am a southern girl at heart and proud of it. I enjoy just about any outdoor activities, and love basketball. Coffee is definitely my weakness, especially here in the North West. I adore my husband and our family. We miss them much but enjoy our life in the Air Force.

My Airman, a lovable, caring, sweet, car loving, hardheaded man! : ) but he is my world. He is a boom operator in the Air Force and so far he loves his job. When he isn’t working he is probably working on his car, or on the internet finding things for his car. He is crazy, but you just can’t ask for a better husband.

Highschool sweathearts, that stuck together trough it all and ended up falling head over heels for each other. Married on November 23, 2009 and loving our wild and crazy life as two southerners living in the Northwest!

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Yay for Fridays!

For some reason I am not that excited for this weekend. Maybe because it is the first weekend with the hubby home and the fact that it is a three day weekend for me. I hate not having anything to do, but I am sure my friends will keep me busy as much as possible. Tonight I am hosting my first Scensty party here! I am super excited about it, and I hope that I have a good turn out. I have been cleaning this house for two days now!! It was a mess... Last week from Thursday till Tuesday all Joe and I did was literally be lazy all day! We watched the show Weeds, which is amazing, and hate junk food all day! We did leave the house of course to go skiing, but other than that we did nothing. No cleaning, dishes, laundry or anything. So therefore, now that he is gone I have been going crazy! I hate having a dirty house and I can not believe it too me that long to clean it. Oh well.. It was worth the mess to spend the last couple of days with him. : ) Update on him as we are talking about it: He made it to his destination, but I have yet to hear from him since he has been there. :( disappointing because he promised to be very good about talking to me while he was gone. In the past he was horrible, so I am hoping to hear from him this weekend. I know he is fine because his friend Caleb is there and he just saw him so that is good to know, but that jerk better call. : ) ha. Other than that my Friday has been good! I am glad I get to sleep in tomorrow morning and spend time with my puppy. I really need to go get ready for this party..

Have a great Weekend. : )

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